Benefits of Project Based Learning

Why should I implement PBL?

The benefits of Project Based Learning extend to students, teachers, and communities at large. PBL can have long-term positive impacts on student success and achievement beyond the classroom. Classrooms, schools, and districts that implement Project Based Learning may see the following benefits:


  • In PBL classrooms, students demonstrate improved attitudes toward learning. They exhibit more engagement, are more self-reliant, and have better attendance than in more traditional school settings. (Thomas, 2000; Walker & Leary, 2009)

  • Teachers may need time and professional development to become familiar with PBL methods, but those who make this shift in classroom practice report increased job satisfaction. (Hixson, Ravitz, & Whisman, 2012; Strobel & van Barneveld, 2009)

  • Most (PBL) facilitators express that they have greater (enjoyment of their role as teachers within a PBL classroom setting)teacher satisfaction (Cho & Brown 2013) 


  • Research has also found that PBL helps develop employability skills also known as 21st century skills. When teachers are trained in PBL methods, they devote more class time to teaching 21st century skills; their students perform at least as well on standardized tests as students engaged in traditional instruction. (Hixson, Ravitz, & Whisman, 2012)

  • Across the 21st century skills included in this study, real world problem-solving is the significant driver of high work quality. (Pearson Foundation/Microsoft 2013)

  • Students demonstrate better problem-solving skills in PBL than in more traditional classes and are able to apply what they learn to real-life situations. (Finkelstein et al., 2010) 


  • Research has also shown that PBL provides college and career readiness. Students in a high-fidelity, successful PBL model such as New Tech Network students consistently enroll in college after their first year of high school at a higher rate than the national average. New Tech Network students consistently return for their second year of college at a higher rate than the national average for both four and two year colleges.

  • Developing 21st Century skills in the last year of school is positively correlated with higher perceived work quality later in life. (Pearson Foundation and Microsoft in 2013)

  • In fact, those who have high 21st century skill development are twice as likely to have higher work quality compared to those who had low 21st century skill development. (Pearson Foundation/Microsoft 2013)


  • A study by Pearson Foundation and Microsoft in 2013 reported that the majority of respondents reported that they agree or strongly agree that they developed most of the skills they use in their current job outside of school. (Pearson Foundation/Microsoft 2013)

  • Whereas PBL enables students to develop skills that they will use in current and future jobs while they are still in a school setting. It gives them an upper hand or advantage in obtaining those skills before they leave school.

  • PBL shows promise as a strategy for closing the achievement gap by engaging lower- achieving students. (Boaler, 2002; Penuel & Means, 2000) 

  • PBL can work in different types of schools, serving diverse learners. (Hixson, Ravitz, & Whisman, 2012). “A study of 3,000 middle school students showed that (all)  kids can, in fact, learn more in science classrooms that adopt a well-designed, project-focused curriculum.” 

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