Magnify Learning Mission & Core Values


Magnify Learning is a teacher driven organization dedicated to expanding the use of high quality Project Based Learning (PBL) through Project Based Learning professional development. We provide customized PBL Workshops and Coaching for schools and districts, individual teachers and small groups, administrators and afterschool workers. Our emphasis is on building relational culture and authenticity.

We don’t just talk about transforming education through Project Based Learning — we are actively engaged in the implementation of PBL across the country. Our passion is using Project Based Learning professional development to improve the lives of students and move educators to their sweet spot, defined as the place where they have purpose and can live out their “Why!”

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Core Values



We believe in the importance of building a relational culture with the educators and school leaders we partner with, which translates into their relationships with students and the community at large.


We have a high regard for authenticity in our PBL Workshops and the PBL Units created within our trainings. We believe authenticity leads to deeper learning, greater engagement, and a passion for the work. We value the modeling of Project Based Learning best practices and processes, and we ensure that all we do serves to put PBL in action.


We are committed to providing a customized experience for the educators and school leaders we partner with. This honors the good work that is already happening and enables the sustainability of Project Based Learning in their school or district.



Since its beginnings in 2015, Magnify Learning has built upon our Project Based Learning roots with a focus on creating sustainable Project Based Learning systems across the country through high-quality PBL professional development.

We've conducted hundreds of PBL Workshops and trained thousands of educators and youth workers in Project Based Learning. Our work has impacted over 1,000 schools and youth programs in more than 500 districts across the country.

We are passionate about transforming education, and we love sharing Project Based Learning with educators, administrators, and youth workers!