PBL Simplified YouTube Series

  • Looking to level up your PBL game?

  • Need short engaging video for professional development?

  • Want to learn through proven stories, experiences, and expertise?

👇 YouTube Video Series directly to your inbox! Sign-up below. 👇

PBL Simplified for Teachers

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PBL Simplified for Administrators

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PBL Simplified Video Series

Want an easy way to learn more about Project Based Learning? PBL Simplified is a FREE weekly video series brought to you by Magnify Learning! Each week you'll receive a 3-5 minute video that breaks down one PBL concept. You'll grow your PBL knowledge and connect with tools you can use in your classroom.

We want to help teachers understand Project Based Learning by providing ongoing support throughout the school year. Time for PBL professional development can be limited, and PBL Simplified maximizes learning by providing short videos that unpack and explain PBL. Your host, Ryan Steuer, will provide you with 52 weeks of PBL learning, with a new video delivered to your inbox every Tuesday!

PBL Simplified YouTube Series - Teachers

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PBL Simplified YouTube Series - Administrators

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“Project Based Learning can be the structure and culture building vehicle to help you engage your standards as you inspire learners the way you have always wanted to.”
— Ryan Steuer, Author of PBL Simplified | CEO of Magnify Learning | PBL Simplified Podcast Host

Sign up for the PBL Simplified YouTube Series today!

PBL Simplified YouTube Series - Teachers

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PBL Simplified YouTube Series - Administrators

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