PBL Coaching
The “Why” for PBL Coaching
PBL Coaching is vital to the sustainability of the PBL practice, especially as educators and administrators are beginning their Project Based Learning journey. Case studies prove that coaching is key to the success of a new or continuing PBL initiative. We value customization, and Magnify Learning offers a variety of PBL Coaching options designed to meet the needs of school and district partners. Prior to PBL Coaching, you will attend a PBL Workshop and develop a foundation for implementing Project Based Learning.
PBL Coaching provides the following benefits….
Supports school-wide efforts to implement PBL with fidelity and sustainability.
Provides real-time feedback and support during PBL implementation.
Helps educators transition to a new instructional framework, and ensures that they are teaching and assessing required standards and content through their PBL Units.
Provides the opportunity to revisit and review any aspects of the PBL process that educators are still struggling with.
PARTNER with A PBL Coach
Once you have completed a PBL Workshop, a Magnify Learning Certified PBL Coach will meet with your school/district leadership team to customize a PBL Coaching Plan for your staff. Coaching sessions occur throughout the school year at a frequency and duration designed to fit your needs. We offer flexible scheduling options (WEEKLY OR MONTHLY PBL Coaching) to meet your needs.
Your staff will receive ongoing support from a PBL Coach to gain feedback on PBL Units, address PBL need to knows, and ensure their PBL confidence grows. Magnify Learning PBL Coaches are dedicated to building strong relationships that ensure teachers are equipped throughout the PBL implementation journey.
As you implement PBL, you will have access to an experienced PBL Coach who can be reached during business hours by email, phone or Zoom to provide support for immediate "need to knows" or challenges that may arise in the day-to-day process of developing a PBL classroom and culture.
Increase your PBL Knowledge AND
Time spent with your PBL Coach, as well as time invested in applying their feedback, will help you and your staff grow as PBL facilitators and improve your practice of Project Based Learning in the classroom and the school community at large. As you work with your PBL Coach throughout the school year, you’ll gain a growing ability to implement Project Based Learning with fidelity, resulting in improved student academic performance and growth in employability skills.
““Coaching is an essential component of an effective professional development program. Coaching can build will, skill, knowledge, and capacity because it can go where no other professional development has gone before: into the intellect, behaviors, practices, beliefs, values, and feelings of an educator. Coaching creates a relationship in which a client feels cared for and is therefore able to access and implement new knowledge. A coach can foster conditions in which deep reflection and learning can take place, where a teacher can take risks to change her practice, where powerful conversations can take place and where growth is recognized and celebrated.””
“As noted by NWEA, two decades of efficacy studies show there is immense value in providing educators with coaching support after initial professional learning: 80-90% rate of new skill implementation when coaching support and follow-up are provided and 19% or less rate of new skill implementation without coaching support and follow-up.
““PBL cannot be a one time event as much of the success depends on our mindset. For a district to sustain a PBL culture, strategies should be in place to provide benchmarks of our learning and next steps possible throughout our journey. I believe the ongoing coaching provided by Magnify has taken us past a one time event to the ongoing culture of learning necessary to sustain PBL.” ”
“I think the ongoing support we’ve received through the PBL coaching is really the key to our success. We have hit some major bumps in the road and having (a Coach) available to talk us through those has kept us moving forward.”
“ I have had the opportunity to participate in PBL coaching with Diane Clancy and RuthAnn Lane. These two ladies are an amazing wealth of experience and knowledge. As an administrator I broadened my exposure about PBL by joining in on the coaching sessions with my teachers. It gave me the opportunity to not only learn along with my teachers but to help them through their struggles. I helped them with connections to the community that I had and became part of the brainstorming process. As an administrator time is precious and this was time well spent. ”
“One word - Spark! The coaching we received from Diane was the spark that kept our fire going! We were so excited to implement PBL when school started, but after our first project was over January came. We were in the dark of what to do next. The coaching sessions helped shed some light on the face that we had to give that voice and choice back to our students. Our students, with Diane’s guidance, not only gave back to our community with their next project, but they were able to touch the lives of students they had never even met.”