What is Project Based Learning?
Project Based Learning (PBL) is a model and framework of teaching and learning where students acquire content knowledge and skills in order to answer a driving question based on an authentic problem, need, challenge, or concern.
Project Based Learning is done collaboratively and within groups, using a variety of employability skills such as critical thinking, communication, and creativity.
PBL incorporates student voice and choice as well as inquiry.
Authentic PBL involves a community partner and a publicly presented end product.
Project Based Learning involves an ongoing process of feedback and revision as well as reflection.
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Project Based Learning Units include the following CORE components:
Employability (21st Century) Skills
Community Partners
Feedback & Revision
Publicly Presented Product
Standards: Content Knowledge & Skills
Authenticity & Relevance: Addresses a real-world challenge, need, problem, or concern
Student Voice & Choice
The Core Components of PBL are the most essential pieces of every PBL Unit. For PBL fidelity, it is important to embed each of these components into the PBL design process…PBL CORE COMPONENTS CONTINUED.
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