PBL Coaching Overview
PBL COaching Is paired with every magnify learning PBL workshop to
provide ongoing support for successful PBL implementation
In the early days of our work here at Magnify Learning, we found that the PBL workshops over the summer were not enough to keep the work moving forward sustainably. Great PBL units would fizzle out and not get implemented. We found that often a quick resource, bit of encouragement or coaching could have gone a long way.
Since those early days, we now hear from our teachers in the trenches that they need and want to know that there is ongoing support for a new initiative. Without coaching, teachers feel like the initiative could go away, and they feel stranded when they most need support.
Magnify Learning coaches are PBL Certified and provide ongoing support through video conferencing, email, and text to keep the momentum from a summer workshop going throughout the school year. You don’t want the good work you invested in over the summer to go to waste because of a lack of implementation support.
Magnify Learning is one of the few PBL organizations that provides coaching at such a highly customized level. We are going to create coaching sessions that are fully customized for your specific staff members.