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“What Magnify Learning taught me was to incorporate (things like community partners) and make it real world and make students see the real world connections.”
Welcome to the PBL Playbook, brought to you by Magnify Learning – where we put teachers back in their sweet spot. Make sure you follow us on Twitter: @magnifylearning, @askgiebs, @MissB103, #PBLPlaybook.
In this episode, Josh and Andrea talk to Richard White (@rbwhitey), a chemistry teacher at Hollister High School in Missouri, about his PBL journey with Magnify Learning from PBL Jumpstart through PBL Certification. Richard outlines the necessary steps it takes to go through the PBL Certification process with Magnify Learning, and reflects on the incredible benefits of the certification process. Richard discusses the ways that Magnify Learning helped him take his teaching practice from good to great, using community partners and real-world products to create an authentic learning environment for his students.
Enjoy this episode, and stay tuned for more great content coming from the PBL Playbook every month!
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