In this episode, Josh and Andrea continue their series about the 6 A’s of PBL Project Design, where each episode will focus on one of the A’s and its importance to the PBL framework. For this final episode of the 6A’s series, our hosts connect with Drew Schrader (@edutwitt), School Program Manager at Challenge Success (@chalsuccess) to talk about Assessment Practices in PBL.
Applied Learning in PBL-6 A's Series | Episode 38
In this episode, Josh and Andrea continue their series about the 6 A’s of PBL Project Design, where each episode will focus on one of the A’s and its importance to the PBL framework. This episode, they get a chance to talk to Laura Burbrink, who is a UDL Coach in Columbus, IN, has taught PBL at the elementary level, and has had four children of her own go through the PBL Pathway in Columbus.