“I just knew that I wanted a more authentic outlet to do exciting things. I wanted the freedom to try stuff, get messy, and once in a while have a breakthrough that felt exciting.”
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Andrew Larson is a full-time PBL Facilitator at the secondary level. He’s also the author of his new book with a tentative title of Life Is A Project: The Six A’s of Project Based Learning. We’ve been talking about books all month, and Andrew shares his processes and thoughts on how to make it happen while being a full-time teacher.
We also have a book-related “need to know” focused on how you can get that book written. We know everyone has a book inside them, but very few do anything about it. We start by taking the ambiguity out of the equation. Once you know what you're going to write about, the outlines and chapters begin to fall into place. This episode combines getting that book out there with the benefits of quality PBL.
Episode Highlights:
[02:07] Need to Know: How do you get your book written? Everybody has a book inside them, but very few get published.
[02:21] Take the ambiguity out of the phrase “I want to write a book.” Sit down and write out the title, niche, and start to outline the chapters or main talking points.
[03:07] Now start collecting ideas because you have a place to put them.
[05:39] You should write your book. Other people can benefit from your unique perspective.
[07:34] Andrew became a Project Based Learning Facilitator after his district opened a project based school in 2008.
[10:42] His book is an authentic outlet for his content.
[12:03] The tentative title for Andrew's book is Life Is A Project: The Six A’s of Project Based Learning.
[13:32] After working sporadically for three years, Andrew committed to waking up at 4:15 AM and writing for an hour.
[16:28] Andrew structured his book by answering the questions in the six A's rubric.
[17:09] His goal is to help project designers check the boxes for PBL units.
[21:28] Journaling can help capture your story. A consistent structure is also helpful when writing the book that is in you.