I'm fired up about 51% by 2051 and getting 51% of schools using Project Based Learning by 2051. My last episode was about setting goals. Goals get you fired up, so take some time and write out your goals. Get fired up about PBL like today's guest Banff Academy from Scotland.
PBL Showcase Compilation - 4 PBL Showcases! | Episode 102
Teacher and Learners - How to Pick a PBL Unit Idea | E98
We have a fantastic PBL showcase today. I talk to 2nd Grade Teacher Kelly Misheikis from Unionville Elementary School in Bloomington, Indiana, and two of her former 2nd-grade students. Kelly and her class solved a runoff problem at their school's pond and raised over $10,000 to dig a well in Africa so girls could go to school instead of carrying water.
PBL Showcase - Implement PBL as a District | Episode 89
Help Your Staff Become Confident Teachers | Episode 86
In this leadership episode, we are talking about building confidence in your staff. How great do you think your building would be running once you've launched your vision and become a confident leader with a confident staff? You can build confidence by starting with the wins and pointing out the positive aspects of portions of PBL projects.