Photo Credit: Canva
“PBL is going to look a lot different from home. Part of the beauty of PBL is that we can...make this experience unique for them. We’re starting to accept as educators that we’re going to have disproportionate learning outcomes across the board...What I love about PBL is that students can focus on these issues that are impacting them in real time, and in real life.”
Welcome to the PBL Playbook, brought to you by Magnify Learning – where we put teachers back in their sweet spot. Make sure you follow us on Twitter: @magnifylearning, @askgiebs, @MissB103, #PBLPlaybook.
In light of the rapidly changing landscape of education right now, Josh and Andrea sit down with two different guests on this special episode of the PBL Playbook to discuss the implications of and strategies for distance learning. Their first guest is Special Education Teacher Matt Morrill (@morrillmattcsa) who works at CSA New Tech High School in Columbus, IN. With Matt, they discuss general distance learning and eLearning practices, with a special focus on equity and removing barriers to allow success for all students. They talk about several different strategies and tools to help students find success while they are not in the classroom. Second, they chat with Karina Cole (@KarinaCole13), who is an Instructional Coach at Seneca R7 Schools (@SchoolsSeneca) in Seneca, Missouri. With Karina, they discuss the ways to take the different aspects of the COVID-19 pandemic to create an authentic PBL learning experience for students learning from home. Karina shares some super engaging driving questions for our listeners to consider with their students. The episode wraps up with a conversation between Josh and Andrea about continuing PBL projects started before the school shutdowns, and how to adjust those projects so that students are still able to have the same authentic learning experience while away from the school building.
We appreciate all of the hard work and passion teachers across the country are putting in right now during this difficult time. Keep up the amazing work!
Show Notes
Resources & Links Related to this Episode
Our World in (Website)
Covid PBL (Karina Cole)
eLearning and PBL (Resource Page)