Social Emotional Learning and PBL | Episode 28

On this episode of the PBL Playbook, Josh and Andrea sit down with a few guests to discuss Social Emotional Learning (SEL) and what this looks like in building relationships and encouraging engagement in PBL. In the first interview, the hosts chat with Christy Berger, the Director of Social Emotional and Behavioral Wellness for the Indiana Department of Education. Christy discusses what exactly SEL is and why it is so essential in every classroom.

Spin for Miles 4 Myeloma PBL Unit, PBL Project Blitz | E27

Welcome to the PBL Playbook, brought to you by Magnify Learning – where we put teachers back in their sweet spot. Make sure you follow us on Twitter: @magnifylearning, @askgiebs, @MissB103, #PBLPlaybook.

Josh and Andrea continue the PBL Project Blitz series where once a month, they highlight a PBL project by veterans in the PBL classroom. 

In this episode of the PBL Project Blitz, Josh and Andrea chat with Britni Pascoe (@bnpurdue), a third grade teacher at Southport Elementary School (@Southport_EI ) in Indianapolis, IN. Britni shares a project that the Southport Elementary third graders completed called “Spin for M4M.” Inspired by a Myeloma diagnosis in a family member of one of their teachers, third graders aimed to revamp a biking event called Miles 4 Myeloma in order to raise both awareness of the disease and money for cancer research. In what was meant to be a small community project, Southport third graders and their teachers were moved at the reach of this project and the impact on the community. Britni also touches on the collaboration between the Southport third grade teachers, and the contributions from all stakeholders to make this such a powerful event for her community and students.

Stay tuned for more awesome projects as the PBL Project Blitz series continues every month!

*For more PBL Resources and PBL professional development opportunities check out the Magnify Learning Website: https://www.magnifylearningin.org/


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eLearning-An Administrator's Perspective | Episode 26

On this episode of the PBL Playbook Podcast, Josh and Andrea chat with Shannon Treece, the principal at Babcock Neighborhood School in Babcock Ranch, Florida. They discuss the shift to distance learning from the perspective of an administrator. Shannon discusses the changes her school has made to adjust to distance learning during the COVID.

COVID-19 Personal Stories PBL Unit, PBL Project Blitz | E25

Welcome to the PBL Playbook, brought to you by Magnify Learning – where we put teachers back in their sweet spot. Make sure you follow us on Twitter: @magnifylearning, @askgiebs, @MissB103, #PBLPlaybook.

Josh and Andrea continue the PBL Project Blitz series where once a month, they highlight a PBL project by veterans in the PBL classroom. 

In this episode of the PBL Project Blitz, Josh and Andrea talk about a COVID-19 related project that was completed by the 6th graders at Hamilton Central School in New York. Their guest, 6th grade teacher Monica Chamberlain, discusses the project that she created to provide an authentic learning opportunity for her students in the midst of the school closures due to COVID-19. She used the current situation to create a Social Studies based project in which her students aimed to document the ways in which people in their county are dealing with the major changes in our world right now. She partnered with the Historical Society in their community to create a library of personal stories from people in their community.

Monica also discusses her PBL journey as a first year PBL teacher, from her first PBL that she felt was a failure, to this PBL that was more of a success. Monica’s journey this year reflects the ups and downs of most first year PBL teachers, and she leaves our listeners with some encouraging advice as we navigate PBL in the current world.

Stay tuned for more awesome projects as the PBL Project Blitz series continues every month!

*For more PBL Resources and PBL professional development opportunities check out the Magnify Learning Website: https://www.magnifylearningin.org/


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PBL Certification | Episode 24

On this episode of the PBL Playbook Podcast, Josh and Andrea discuss PBL Certification, a possible next step in the journey for veterans of the PBL classroom looking to grow their practice. They first sit down with Suzanne Diehn), the Director of PBL Certification for Magnify Learning, to discuss the process of becoming PBL certified.

Plastic Trash PBL Unit, PBL Project Blitz | E23

Welcome to the PBL Playbook, brought to you by Magnify Learning – where we put teachers back in their sweet spot. Make sure you follow us on Twitter: @magnifylearning, @askgiebs, @MissB103, #PBLPlaybook.

Josh and Andrea continue the PBL Project Blitz series where once a month, they highlight a PBL project by veterans in the PBL classroom. 

In this episode of the PBL Project Blitz, Josh and Andrea have a virtual chat with Justin Newby (@_mrnewbs), a Special Education teacher at T.T. Knight Middle School in Jefferson County Public Schools (@JCPSKY) in Kentucky. Justin talks about an environmentally driven project he completed with his students in which they analyze the impact of environmental waste in their own community. This project included a river clean up, a recycled art project, and numerous community partners. Justin also reflects on the switch to eLearning due to COVID19 school closures, and the impact this had on the end of his students’ project. Overall, Justin leaves listeners with an inspiring message about the power of students, and the change that they can create when presented with an authentic problem in their community.

Stay tuned for more awesome projects as the PBL Project Blitz series continues every month!

*For more PBL Resources and PBL professional development opportunities check out the Magnify Learning Website: https://www.magnifylearningin.org/


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Germ Busters PBL Unit, PBL Project Blitz | E21

Welcome to the PBL Playbook, brought to you by Magnify Learning – where we put teachers back in their sweet spot. Make sure you follow us on Twitter: @magnifylearning, @askgiebs, @MissB103, #PBLPlaybook.

Josh and Andrea continue the PBL Project Blitz series where once a month, they highlight a PBL project by veterans in the PBL classroom. 

In this episode of the PBL Project Blitz, our hosts visit with Babcock Neighborhood School (@BabcockSchool) in Babcock Ranch, FL (@babcockranchfl). 2nd grade facilitators Amanda Barkley (@AmandaBarkley8) and Brandi Kirkpatrick share some of their valuable Spring Break time to talk to the PBL Playbook about their project called “Germ Busters.” This authentic project came directly from the student concerns at the beginning of the year when their classmates were having to miss school because of sickness. Their task during this cross-curricular project was to come up with ways to keep their school clean and healthy, and ended with an exhibition night featuring a student created music video.

Stay tuned for more awesome projects as the PBL Project Blitz series continues every month!

*For more PBL Resources and PBL professional development opportunities check out the Magnify Learning Website: https://www.magnifylearningin.org/


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Chemistry & Service Learning PBL Unit, *BONUS* PBL Project Blitz | E20

Welcome to the PBL Playbook, brought to you by Magnify Learning – where we put teachers back in their sweet spot. Make sure you follow us on Twitter: @magnifylearning, @askgiebs, @MissB103, #PBLPlaybook.

Josh and Andrea continue the PBL Project Blitz series where once a month, they highlight a PBL project by veterans in the PBL classroom. 

In this special leap-day bonus episode of the PBL Project Blitz series, our hosts sit down with Nate Langel (@natelangel), a High School Chemistry teacher at the Grand Rapids Public Museum School (MI). He shares an incredibly powerful project in which he partners with Heartside Ministry, a local non-profit to help those facing homelessness and other challenges. Through this project, Langel’s students make connections with the individuals receiving services from Heartside, and then get the opportunity to create a product that will in some way assist these individuals. Throughout this project, students learn about polar and nonpolar interaction in elements like oil and water, and the chemical makeup that creates these interactions. Then enters soap, the element that breaks down the barriers between these two. In a moving and inspiring outline of his project, Langel makes the human connection of the real people that are “oil and water” in society, and how his students have the incredible opportunity to embrace their role and be the “soap” in their community, using their new knowledge of the chemical makeup of and interactions between products to break down barriers and make real world connections. 

Stay tuned for more awesome projects as the PBL Project Blitz series continues every month!

*For more PBL Resources and PBL professional development opportunities check out the Magnify Learning Website: https://www.magnifylearningin.org/


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Keep Indy Warm PBL Unit, PBL Project Blitz | E19

Welcome to the PBL Playbook, brought to you by Magnify Learning – where we put teachers back in their sweet spot. Make sure you follow us on Twitter: @magnifylearning, @askgiebs, @MissB103, #PBLPlaybook.

Josh and Andrea continue the PBL Project Blitz series where once a month, they highlight a PBL project by veterans in the PBL classroom. 

In this episode of the PBL Project Blitz, our hosts sit down with 3rd grade facilitator Brittany Tinkler (@btink89) from Southport Elementary School (@Southport_EI ) in Southport, IN. Tinkler shares a project she completed with her students called “Keep Indy Warm,” an initiative for students to help support the homeless community in Indianapolis by making blankets, writing letters, etc. to give out in preparation for the cold Midwestern winter. She highlights the community partners used throughout this project and their impact on her students, as well as the voice and choice provided in each part of the project.

Stay tuned for more awesome projects as the PBL Project Blitz series continues every month!

*For more PBL Resources and PBL professional development opportunities check out the Magnify Learning Website: https://www.magnifylearningin.org/


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Instructional Coaching in PBL | Episode 18

On this episode of the PBL Playbook, Josh and Andrea talk to three separate guests who act as coaches supporting teachers and their implementation of PBL in the classroom. On this episode of the PBL Playbook, Josh and Andrea talk to three separate guests who act as coaches supporting teachers and their implementation of PBL in the classroom.

Lit for Learning PBL Unit, PBL Project Blitz | E17

Welcome to the PBL Playbook, brought to you by Magnify Learning – where we put teachers back in their sweet spot. Make sure you follow us on Twitter: @magnifylearning, @askgiebs, @MissB103, #PBLPlaybook.

Josh and Andrea continue the PBL Project Blitz series where once a month, they highlight a PBL project by veterans in the PBL classroom. 

In this episode of the PBL Project Blitz, our hosts talk to two middle school Project Based Learning teachers about a project that they have facilitated around literacy. Trisha Burns (@BurnsTrisha) and Angela Spurgeon (@spurgeona) facilitate PBL in their 8th grade Math and English classrooms, respectively. They discuss with our hosts a project that they have done called “Lit for Learning,” in which students raise money for children’s books to promote literacy and a love for learning in younger students. They apply math concepts of equations and surface area, and used English class to evaluate books and make choices for book selections based on age-appropriate reading. Trisha and Angela talk about the incredible impact this project had on their students, as well as some of the different components that go into creating a cross-curricular project.

Stay tuned for more awesome projects as the PBL Project Blitz series continues every month!

*For more PBL Resources and PBL professional development opportunities check out the Magnify Learning Website: https://www.magnifylearningin.org/


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Senior Capstone Projects PBL Unit, PBL Project Blitz | E15

Welcome to the PBL Playbook, brought to you by Magnify Learning – where we put teachers back in their sweet spot. Make sure you follow us on Twitter: @magnifylearning, @askgiebs, @MissB103, #PBLPlaybook.

Josh and Andrea continue the PBL Project Blitz series where once a month, they highlight a PBL project by veterans in the PBL classroom. 

In this episode of the PBL Project Blitz, our hosts chat with Rachelle Antcliff (@RAAntcliff), a senior English facilitator from CSA New Tech (@CSANewTechHS) in Columbus, IN. Rachelle dives into the annual senior capstone project, which allows senior students to truly craft their own project based on their own interests as well as community needs. This project gets at the heart of truly authentic PBL, as it involves community engagement and involvement, student-driven learning, and student ownership of the process. Rachelle also talks about what it is about PBL that sets this senior capstone apart from the traditional high schools, as it is a district-wide graduation requirement.

Stay tuned for more awesome projects as the PBL Project Blitz series continues every month!

*For more PBL Resources and PBL professional development opportunities check out the Magnify Learning Website: https://www.magnifylearningin.org/


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PBL and Equity-Administrator Series Part 3 | Episode 14

In this episode, Josh and Andrea finish their Administrator Series , addressing the question, “What does it look like for an administrator to be supportive in their role when they have teachers using PBL as their primary instructional practice?” They have an interview on PBL and equity with Dr. Carmen Coleman, the Chief Academic Officer of Jefferson County Public Schools in Louisville, KY.

Eagle Conservation PBL Unit, PBL Project Blitz | E13

Welcome to the PBL Playbook, brought to you by Magnify Learning – where we put teachers back in their sweet spot. Make sure you follow us on Twitter: @magnifylearning, @askgiebs, @MissB103, #PBLPlaybook.

Josh and Andrea continue the PBL Project Blitz series where once a month, they highlight a PBL project by veterans in the PBL classroom. 

In this episode of the PBL Project Blitz, our hosts chat with Rachel Crawford (@BNS_RCraw) and Tiffany Bishop, first grade teachers from Babcock Ranch, FL (@babcockranchfl). They share an incredibly authentic and powerful project they did with their first grade students around the protection of bald eagles and their habitats. 

Stay tuned for more awesome projects as the PBL Project Blitz series continues every month!

*For more PBL Resources and PBL professional development opportunities check out the Magnify Learning Website: https://www.magnifylearningin.org/


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PBL with Fidelity-Administrator Series Part 2 | Episode 12

In this episode, Josh and Andrea continue their series focusing on administrators in PBL, addressing the question, “What does it look like for an administrator to be supportive in their role when they have teachers using PBL as their primary instructional practice?” This episode features three separate interviews with administrators through all levels of the Columbus Signature Academy pathway in Columbus, IN.

Short Stories PBL Unit, PBL Project Blitz | E11

Welcome to the PBL Playbook, brought to you by Magnify Learning – where we put teachers back in their sweet spot. Make sure you follow us on Twitter: @magnifylearning, @askgiebs, @MissB103, #PBLPlaybook.

In this episode, Josh and Andrea continue the PBL Project Blitz series where once a month, they highlight a PBL project by veterans in the PBL classroom. In this episode of the PBL Project Blitz, our hosts sit down with Kendra McPheeters (@kmcpheets), an English teacher and literacy coach in northwest Indiana. McPheeters shares about one of her favorite projects in which students studied short stories and partnered with the elementary school to encourage STEM-based literacy.

*For more PBL Resources and PBL professional development opportunities check out the Magnify Learning Website: https://www.magnifylearningin.org/


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Administrative Support-Administrator Series Part 1 | Episode 10

In this episode, Josh and Andrea have a conversation with a few guests to address the idea of administrator support for teachers using PBL and tackle the question, “What does it look like for an administrator to be supportive in their role when they have teachers using PBL as their primary instructional practice?”

PBL and Afterschool | Episode 8

In this episode, PBL Playbook hosts Josh and Andrea have a conversation with Jaime Johnson of Indiana Afterschool Network, Aimee Scott of the John Boner Neighboorhood Center , and Ryan Steuer of Magnify Learning to talk about the benefits of integrating PBL instruction into afterschool programs.