PBL Showcase - What do Teachers Think About PBL? | E94

This PBL Showcase will feature excerpts from teachers I interviewed during a PBL Jumpstart. I was able to talk to them on their third day to get some of their thoughts. We'll hear things like, I used to think this, but now I believe this, so we'll see mindset shifts. In a PBL Jumpstart, you get to live out PBL while creating a PBL unit. 

Our "need to know" for today is based on this question: I'm a social studies teacher. How do I connect my subject matter to relevant topics now? The teachers are experts in the field. Just asking the question in a little different way enables teachers to find a way to relate their lessons with the lives of kids today to help the kids feel more engaged and to work with community partners to add employability skills. 

Episode Highlights: 

[02:22] Can teaching ancient history solve a real world problem? You are the expert who would know the answer to this question. How could you make the lesson relevant to make the students more engaged? How would you bring in a community partner for employability skills?

[03:19] Asking this question in just a little bit of a different way enables social study teachers to connect their lessons to kids' lives today. 

[04:16] Don't let community partners be a hurdle. You can bring in someone local that has knowledge on the topic. 

[07:35] Christine Guthrie used to think PPL was engaging, but now she knows it's empowering. She has a structure to engage 21st century skills while empowering lifelong learning.

[07:51] Ethan used to think PBL was centered around a project. Now he thinks it's centered around a solution.

[08:00] Carl used to think PBL would be stressful and hard for students and himself. Now he thinks it will be a good process to engage students.

[08:19] Kristen thought PBL would make it hard to hit their standards, now she thinks she'll hit them in a more meaningful way.

[11:52] I also have four more teachers for you to hear from. You'll notice a theme from them about how they now realize how valuable the community partner aspect is. 

Resources & Links Related to this Episode



What Does A Leader Need to Know About PBL? | Episode 93

This PBL Leadership episode is about increasing your PBL knowledge. The big question that people often ask is how to bring PBL to my school or district. I'm going to talk about doing PBL well in a way that makes it sustainable for your school or district. Building PBL knowledge is the main focus today.

Larry Smith - 6 Word Memoirs | Episode 92

Can you sum up your life or express your feelings in six words? Surprisingly, a simple six-word statement can be used to share your story, emotions, dreams, or just what you’re thinking about right now. Larry Smith is the founder and editor of SMITH Magazine and the man behind Six-Word Memoirs®. This movement has evolved into books, an app, a game, and a great way to get people to write.

Project Based Learning Research Part 2 | Episode 90

This is the second part of my deep dive into the Lucas Research Study on Project Based Learning. You can find the first part in episode 88. The research findings absolutely dispel the myth that PBL doesn’t improve test scores. Project Based Learning improves AP test scores for high school students and creates noticeable gains in middle school and elementary school students.

PBL Showcase - Implement PBL as a District | Episode 89

How do you implement PBL as a district? I’m hijacking another PBL Showcase episode to talk about this important question. School leaders need to build their PBL knowledge through books, resources, and even visiting a school that has implemented PBL.

Project Based Learning Research Part 1 | Episode 88

I’ve seen lives turned around by Project Based Learning. I have loads of success stories from learners, teachers, and administrators. There is also research to back up the benefits of Project Based Learning. This leadership episode is going to be a two-part episode focusing on Research on Project Based Learning by Lucas Education Research.

Help Your Staff Become Confident Teachers | Episode 86

In this leadership episode, we are talking about building confidence in your staff. How great do you think your building would be running once you've launched your vision and become a confident leader with a confident staff? You can build confidence by starting with the wins and pointing out the positive aspects of portions of PBL projects.

PBL Showcase - Authenticity Engages Learners and Facilitators | E85

I have an exciting and personal PBL showcase today about a young man coasting in school until a PBL unit inspired him to step up and become the leader he was meant to be. It’s a PBL unit about helping parents get their questions answered after their child's genetic disease diagnosis.

Entrepreneurship Skills in Schools - Austin Brooks | Episode 83

This bonus episode is all about how entrepreneurship fits in the classroom. I’m excited to have Austin Brooks the Executive Director at Midland Institute for Entrepreneurship which heads up the CEO creating entrepreneurial opportunities program.

Creating a Vision to Reach Every Student | Episode 82

Dr. Robyn R. Jackson is the CEO of Mindsteps Inc. and the creator of Buildership University. She’s the author of multiple educational books and the host of the School Leadership Reimagined Podcast. She’s helped thousands of teachers and administrators turn their classrooms into success stories.

Empowering Learners to Present | Episode 81

Today’s episode is focused on how we get our learners to present to different audiences, so that they're confident in taking the next step. We want our learners empowered and ready to present in front of any audience.

Creating Inspiring Learner Stories in YOUR School | Episode 79

I am fired up with today's leadership episode. Our “need to know” for last month was how to publish your book, because I believe that everyone has a book inside of them. This month our “need to know” is going to be focused on learner presentations.

Founder of Magnify Learning | Project Based Learning | E58

Ryan Steuer is the founder of Magnify Learning, author of Project Based Learning Stories and Structures, host of PBL Simplified YouTube series, and now host of The PBL Playbook Podcast. Continue to follow the podcast for the content you are accustomed to: A PBL Blitz episode breaking down a PBL unit and a full PBL Interview on the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of the month. Ryan will also add leadership episodes on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of the month.

Whether you are a teacher or a principal, there is something for you in The PBL Playbook Podcast. To get started on your PBL journey today, go to
whatispbl.com to get a free download with initial resources. Thanks for joining us on this PBL journey!